Chin up, Atlanta! Kybella is here!
FDA approved Kybella, a new injectable that eliminates the problem without the need for surgery. The medical professionals at Health & Beauty Boutique in Buckhead Atlanta are pleased to offer this liposuction alternative; which has clinically been proven to “melt” fat cells and reduce the look of the double-chin. To learn more about Kybella and how it can improve your appearance, contact us today to schedule an appointment.
What is Kybella?
Kybella, from Kythera Biopharmaceuticals, is a brand new, non-invasive injection made of deoxycholic acid which is designed to reduce submental fat below the chin that gives the appearance of a “double-chin.” Unlike traditional injectables, which are temporary and require repeat visits following treatment, Kybella eliminates submental fat cells from the body to provide long-lasting results.
Who is the ideal candidate for Kybella injections?
The ideal candidate is one who is suffering from mild to moderate amount of submental fat. Submental fullness can be caused by genetics, weight gain or aging.
How does the double chin injection work?
Kybella is a specialized formulation of acid that is naturally found in the body that is responsible for breaking down and absorbing fat cells. Kybella uses this same principle to attack submental fat cells upon injection into the targeted area, where it begins eliminating excess fat from the system. The procedure is performed by marking the patient’s submental fat with a grid for precision/accuracy. The area is then numbed, and injected with Kybella. Instantly the solution will begin to dissolve the fat cells; destroying the double-chin fat and reducing the prominence of the lower chin forever.
How many treatments will I need to erase my double chin?
The average patient usually requires 2-3 treatments, 4-6 weeks apart. The exact number of injections is dependent on the amount of submental fat present, as well as other factors, such as age and genetics. Each treatment takes no longer than 15 to 20 minutes on average to administer. Over the course of one month, the fat melts away and is naturally flushed from the body. Once recovered/healed from the initial Kybella treatment, patients may opt for more treatment or may be completely satisfied with the results.
What are Kybella’s Side Effects?
Kybella’s safety and efficacy has been monitored by the FDA and gained approval in early 2015. However, some patients may experience mild to moderate side effects. Immediate side-effects include mild inflammation, bruising, pain or numbness at the injection site. Rare, yet possible, side effects include trouble swallowing and facial muscle weakness.
How much does Kybella Cost?
The price of Kybella is specific to how many vials and sessions of treatment you will need to achieve the optimal result.